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CodeScan 4.2 Has Been Released

By Will O'Brien | March 11, 2019

CodeScan 4.2 Product Release

CodeScan 4.2 is now available!

This huge update adds 20+ new and updated rules as well as improved documentation, bug fixes and SonarQube™ 7.6 compatibility.

New Security Rules

CodeScan 4.2 includes a large amount of new security rules covering field level security, insecure hash algorithms, unescaped values and CSRF protection. New documentation allows you to understand these vulnerabilities better by providing detailed information from trusted security authorities such as OWASP and SANS.

You can find the full list of rules and their descriptions in the Release Notes section of our Knowledge Base.

New Code Quality Rules

Our new code quality rules catch issues such as suspicious for-loop incrementers, certain class names taking precedence over Salesforce system classes and other issues that can cause problems if not addressed.

You can find the full list of rules and their descriptions in the Release Notes section of our Knowledge Base.

SonarQube™ 7.6 Compatbility

SonarQube™ 7.6 adds a range of great new features such as a cleaner directory structure and simplified Quality Gates. Learn more about these new features on the SonarQube™ website.


We have also fixed some problems and added support for Inherited Sharing Keywords in Apex. You can learn more about Inherited Sharing Keywords from the Salesforce Release Notes.

Get Started!

CodeScan 4.2 is available for Self-Hosted users from our Downloads Page. Install instructions are available at

If you are a CodeScan Cloud user, CodeScan 4.2 is already installed and ready for use.

Full release notes are available here.

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